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Questioning to Understand

Questioning to Understand

Curiosity and Questioning, facilitated by Tania Lattanzio is a series of virtual workshops that benefits experienced educators and focuses on everyday learning experiences, learning environments and contexts leading to further intentional explorations.
REACH Online


It discusses teachers’ behaviours on how to respond to children’s learning that will challenge them further in their practices. The online workshops conducted between August and September 2020 welcomed beyond 400 attendees over the three sessions as we delved deep into the art of asking questions to provoke children’s curiosity. 

Tania Lattanzio is an experienced international educator and educational consultant. Currently the Director of Innovative Global Education, she develops and conducts professional development for educators from early childhood through to high school. A passionate educator, Tania works closely with educational institutions to specifically meet their needs through supporting school reform, making significant shifts in pedagogy and developing conceptual curriculum frameworks in both local and international settings.

How can we ask questions to promote deeper thinking in children?

The third and final workshop started with attendees discussing a curriculum they have created connected to children’s interest or theories. Tania moved on to share the different ways to hold conversations with children, ask open-ended questions to stimulate and extend the child’s thinking.

At the conclusion of each workshop, the participants were invited to join a closed Facebook group where we continue our learning as a community and extend our own research and questions.


Saturday, 26 Sep 2020, 9.00am to 11.00am




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Other Upcoming Events

For the first time ever, the Reggio Emilia Mosaic of Marks Exhibition will be coming to Singapore in November 2024. Explore the captivating research on children’s mark-making and drawing woven with narrative from Reggio Emilia’s infant-toddler centres and preschools, presented in English and Mandarin. Alongside the exhibition, REACH will also offer a conference on the 22nd and 23rd of November.
The Mosaic of Marks exhibition atelier has travelled worldwide and is debuting in Singapore in November 2024! The uniqueness of this exhibition stems from the fact that it offers educators a rare glimpse into the work done in the pre-schools and infant toddlers centres of Reggio Emilia. It is an opportunity to connect theory and practice and bring these inspirations to your context.
Join the REACH study programmes in Singapore where you will learn from experienced educators in a learning environment inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach.