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Recap: Encountering Reggio Children

Recap: Encountering Reggio Children

In March 2024, E-Bridge Pre-School was honoured to host Marina Castagnetti, an educator from Reggio Children, and Mirella Ruozzi, an atelierista from Reggio Children, for an enriching collaborative learning experience.
Recap: Encountering Reggio Children


In March 2024, E-Bridge Pre-School was honoured to host Marina Castagnetti, an educator from Reggio Children, and Mirella Ruozzi, an atelierista from Reggio Children, for an enriching collaborative learning experience.

Day 1: Exploring Monochrome Contexts
The journey began excitedly as Marina and Mirella returned to E-Bridge Pre-School on March 9. Collaborating with our educators, they created two monochrome contexts in Infant Care Bay 1, sparking curiosity about the potential outcomes when children interact with materials.

Day 2: Designing Learning Contexts
On Day 2, the focus shifted to the intricacies of language and action in interactions with children. Reflecting on the specific words and actions used, educators embraced the philosophy of guiding without dictating, echoing the sentiment that the best teachers illuminate pathways without imposing views.

Day 3: Clay Exploration
Clay became the canvas for exploration on Day 3, offering children a myriad of learning possibilities. From understanding mathematical concepts like quantity to exploring equilibrium and seeking validation through sharing discoveries, children under 16 months engaged in rich, sensorial experiences.

Day 4: Natural Material Pathway
The week culminated in an immersive encounter with natural materials placed along a pathway. Observing children’s gestures and gazes, educators deciphered the myriad questions brewing in their young minds, highlighting the importance of being fully present to capture these precious moments of discovery.

The weeklong journey of “Encountering Reggio Children” left an indelible mark on E-Bridge Pre-School, inspiring educators to approach infant care with renewed vigour and creativity. Marina and Mirella’s expertise and guidance illuminated pathways for enriching learning experiences, fostering a culture of continuous growth and innovation.




Other Upcoming Events

For the first time ever, the Reggio Emilia Mosaic of Marks Exhibition will be coming to Singapore in November 2024. Explore the captivating research on children’s mark-making and drawing woven with narrative from Reggio Emilia’s infant-toddler centres and preschools, presented in English and Mandarin. Alongside the exhibition, REACH will also offer a conference on the 22nd and 23rd of November.
The Mosaic of Marks exhibition atelier has travelled worldwide and is debuting in Singapore in November 2024! The uniqueness of this exhibition stems from the fact that it offers educators a rare glimpse into the work done in the pre-schools and infant toddlers centres of Reggio Emilia. It is an opportunity to connect theory and practice and bring these inspirations to your context.
Join the REACH study programmes in Singapore where you will learn from experienced educators in a learning environment inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach.